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Meet our advisory team

Diana El Jeiroudi 
Director, producer, scriptwriter

Diana's films encapsulate sociopolitical tensions and contradictions and extend well over time. She is best known for her Dolls - A Woman from Damascus (2007) and Morning Fears, Night Chants (2012). As producer, her filmography includes the award-winning Silvered Water -Syria Autoportrait by O. Mohamad & W. S. Bedirxan (Cannes 2014), and The Mulberry House by Oscar-nominated Sara Ishaq (IDFA 2013). Her efforts in supporting and advancing the documentary community and culture, notably through establishing DOX BOX as Syria’s first documentary film festival, and then as the Berlin-based documentary film support organization, has earned her various awards, including the EDN Award, The Katrin Cartlidge Award, and The Heart of Sarajevo. She is a member of the American Academy of Motion Pictures, the Deutsche Filmakademie, and the Asia-Pasific Screen Academy. She served on several committees and juries, most notably Cannes Film Festival Golden Eye Documentary Award, Sundance Documentary Program, IDFA, AFAC, and APSA Awards. Diana supported many careers and tutored talents through the professional training initiatives and workshops of DOX BOX, EuroDoc, Ex-oriente, IDFA, and Story Doc. Her most recent film Republic of Silence (2021) premiered in the official selection at Venice Film Festival.

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Brigid O'Shea, Co-director of DAE

Brigid O'Shea is an Australian native who has been living and working in Germany for more than 10 year After completing a fine arts degree in Melbourne and Berlin, she worked for the Berlinale Talents and later the Co-Production Market, as well as for the last 5 years organizing the DOK Leipzig Co-Production Meeting and related DOK Industry events. She has worked for various training documentary training initiatives like the Documentary Campus and Institute of Documentary Film in Prague, and gives workshops on European financing possibilities and co-production for beginners in places like North America and the Balkans, as well as in Germany. 

Annalisa Putortì
Entertainment lawyer 

Graduated with honors in Law at University of Roma Tre in 1999, on 2007 pursued a Master in Business Administration (MBA) at SDA Bocconi (Milan) and UCLA Anderson (Los Angeles) with focus in cinema financing & strategy.
Currently Partner of the International Law Firm “Rulli Putortì & Partners” based in Rome, specialized in copyright and audiovisual law, dealing in particular with international co-productions and co-participations for both cinema and television, profit-sharing associations (so called tax credit), study and establishment of business networks, distribution, licensing agreements and clearing operations.
Advising both foreign and national clients including Associations as ASA (Association of Italian Agents) on Intellectual Property Rights management, including copyright, patent and trademarks, stage rights licensing, talent representation and compliance with regulations of Italian private and public authorities such as the Italian national Authors’ Collecting Society, the Authority for Guarantees in Communication, the Authority for Competition and Trade, and the Advertising Self-Regulatory Institute. Highly specialized in drafting and negotiating any kind of Italian and international contracts on the basis of the specific transaction required by the Clients, including legal assistance for the clearance related to audiovisual projects and coproduction agreements subject to the National laws as well as to the European and International Treaties.
Founder of the pro-bono legal aid initiative for the Association “Mujeres nel Cinema” based in Rome (for the promotion and support of gender equality within the Entertainment business).

Joanna Solecka, Film Marketing & Social Media Strategist and Audience Designer.

Joanna Solecka is head of Alphapanda Warsaw – a Polish division of an international film marketing agency specialized in digital campaigns for the film industry, for which she covers the Eastern European, Scandinavian and US market. Joanna has successfully promoted numerous films at the most prestigious A-list festivals and film awards. Additionally Joanna works as a film marketing expert and mentor for training programs such as Circle – Women Doc Accelerator, First Cut Lab, Torino Film Lab, EAVE, Norwegian Film School and Łódź Film School. Member of the Advisory Board of DAE - Documentary Association of Europe.  What she is most passionate about film marketing nowadays is the strategic approach to build different audiences for films at an early stage. Being a mother of three daughters, she recently enjoys working with family and young audience films.

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CIRCLE is co-funded by Creative Europe MEDIA and organized under the partronage of Eurimages.. The program is organised by Wake Up Films.

The program is supported by: When East Meets West, Cannes Docs Marché du Film, Film Centre of Montenegro, International Emerging Film Talent Association (IEFTA), Documentary Association of Europe (DAE), Cineuropa, TIFF - Agora Docs, European Women's Audiovisual Network (EWA), EFM Toolbox Programmes (European Film Market), FestivalScope Pro, EURODOC,  Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia, City of Novi Sad, CED - MEDIA Office Croatia, CED - MEDIA Office Slovenia, Motovila, and IDM Südtirol Alto Adige.

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